Research by law professors Robert Jackson Jr from New York University and Joshua Mitts of Columbia University found significant short-selling of shares leading up to the attacks.
Public dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Netanyahu and gov't on the rise; openness exists among public to conspiracy theories about October 7 attack
While less known than the Bermuda Triangle, the Alaska Triangle holds the record for the most mysterious disappearances. What secrets could it be hiding?
As the world fills with ignorance and hatred, Jewish Space Lasers reminds us that there is no such thing as a benign conspiracy theory.
“It was a lie. There was no killing of children. It was a lie, a lie, a lie. The Israeli government admit it was a lie,” Corbyn said.
A group of Mexican young women took the Charlie Charlie challenge, unknowingly inviting a mean ghost. Even if you're not usually a believer, what came next is quite spooky.
One Telegram channel which calls itself CHVK posted a sarcastic montage of Prigozhin's own voice saying: "Well of course, we sniffed a load of coke and then threw some grenades about on the plane."
Ofcom fined the Islam Channel for airing the antisemitic documentary 'The Adinia Plan'.
Elon Musk's actions since taking the helm of X have additionally made it easier for extremists and neo-Nazis to publish and spread the anti-Jewish hatred, lies, and conspiracy theories.
The group of men were accused of taking part in an elaborate plot to abduct the governor from her vacation home, then put her on trial for treason.