Results revealed that individuals who hold relativistic conceptions of truth are indeed more likely to believe in conspiracy theories.
The neo-Nazis hurled insults and abuse at a female Jewish journalist present at the rally.
What this right-winger said about a group of elites from the security, economy, and judicial sectors is certainly not completely a figment of his imagination, though the concept of the deep state is.
In a resurfaced clip from April, Prigozhin spoke of being killed and specifically mentioned: "the plane will fall apart in the air."
Hodges also claimed that Jews are selling “toxic vaccines” and want to possess people.
The decision to crucify Jesus ultimately rested with the Roman governor Pontius Pilate. The Gospels overemphasized the Jewish role in Jesus’ crucifixion.
Its upcoming fall semester class, Decolonizing Trauma Studies from the Global South, will be including the book The Healing Humanities: The Right to Maim by Jsbir Puar.
A deep dive into Efron’s Jewish identity does not answer those questions. But it does reveal that Efron not only worked as a spy but had a deep knowledge of the spies in Jewish tradition.
After a video showing their sun bear standing sparked online rumors that it was actually a person in a costume, the zoo released a statement assuring the public otherwise.
Theorists can spin this discovery as anything they want, though expert geologists believe it is just a mountain.