A long-standing rabbinic decree in Mexico refuses to recognize converts and admit them into Jewish communities, preventing converts from making aliyah.
William Karon’s spiritual path to Judaism was generations in the making.
Amos and Rivka Minster converted to Judaism under the official auspices of the state but had to fight to receive their official Israeli identification.
Terlinchamp told JTA that she felt comfortable writing a letter to the Department of Corrections advocating that one's life sentence be reduced to 20 years, citing his conversion work as a reason.
Two years ago, a new nonprofit organization called Ohev Ger was founded to care for converts on the “day after” conversion, to promote their success and smooth their integration in Israel.
Arazi has devoted much of her time to helping prospective converts learn about the conversion process, drawing from her own conversion experiences on social media.
Mother of four and convert to Judaism, Lea Gul, overcame many obstacles to get where she is today.