All in all, this was an experience I would recommend trying once. It was interesting and, at times, entertaining.
"My company is more eager than my mum," one employee jokingly said.
One of the most interesting aspects of this line, called Club MMingle, is that it aims to bring Jewish people together globally, building community across borders and around the world.
6,000 participants, 2,500+ initial matches resulted from DateNight AI’s previous speed-dating event. A pre-Simchat Torah event offers another opportunity to pair up.
Making romantic connections with the backdrop of sirens and pandemonium has made the dating realm a minefield of its own.
Marry a Mensch is a folksy practical guide based on Devorah Kigel's experience, both personal and professional.
The Inside Israeli Innovation Podcast with Eve Young: Season 2, Episode 27.
Due to the ongoing conflict, Israeli Tu B'Av celebrations are shifting to home-based, intimate gatherings, reflecting a global trend.
Cultural differences can create unexpected challenges in cross-cultural dating.
Israeli singles seek committed relationships amid war, reflected in OkCupid data. Actions over words emphasized for building stability and navigating challenges.