Buffalo-born Dr. Bailey's interview with David Ben-Gurion was the basis of a major film, and he was also the creator of an archive of Bedouin life at the National Library of Israel.
It’s time for the lesson of the Altalena to be implemented in Lebanon. Only one army can be allowed to operate in Lebanon for peace and prosperity to exist in the Land of the Cedars.
“It felt like it was a historical moment to take part in this project. We are maybe the last generation to hear these stories told directly by the people who experienced them.”
The collection includes rare items tied to Ben-Gurion, such as a signed book and a document from 1948.
"If God forbid, a disaster occurs, it will be harder than anywhere else in the country to provide them with assistance," Ben-Gurion said.
There is a dark lining that continues to delegitimize today’s Jewish state in the eyes of millions of people around the world.
"This is the mission of our movement: to unite the people around the great things that determine our fate and future," Ben-Gurion emphasized in his speech.
Yitzhak Rabin's enduring vision of peace through strength is more relevant than ever as Israel faces modern challenges to protect its citizens and future.
This annual event has become a critical platform for discussing how to overcome obstacles and foster economic development in Israel's southern periphery.
The facts of Weizmann’s life, fascinating though they are, yield in interest to the authors’ examination of his quite extraordinary personality and the powerful effect it exercised.