David Ben-Gurion

The Israel Defense Forces celebrate 75th anniversary

Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, signed the order to establish the IDF on May 26 and the IDF began is existence on May 31, 1948.

A4BGU’s CEO shares his views on 21st-century Zionism

"For Zionism to survive and Israel to thrive, we need a new, compelling rallying cry to mobilize a new generation around what 21st-century Zionism truly stands for,” Seserman said. 

Our teenagers take Israel for granted - opinion

Over the past 2,000 years, Jews have suffered through exile and desolation. From the Romans to the Holocaust, they faced enemies and antisemites who tried to annihilate them.

National service for all is a moral imperative - opinion

Upon reaching 18, all should be required to serve the country, in military or civilian service, as their civic duty.


Aliyah isn't a sacrifice, but it still takes some getting used to - opinion

Aliyah may have been a sacrifice 30 years ago, but today it is no more difficult than moving to any other country.

The debt to the Jewish rebels against Rome - opinion

Brushing aside negative portrayals of the ancient rebels, the Zionists made an ideological connection to them because they had bequeathed an important legacy.


What do Pharaoh, Moses teach Israel about its leadership crisis?

MIDDLE ISRAEL: There was a time when leaders thought of things larger than themselves.

Air conditioning system in PM Ben-Gurion's Sde Boker home restored

Teams of retired technicians came back for a special project: restoring a long-retired air conditioning unit in the former home of Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion.

Israel is neither halachic or Western, it is a unique democracy - opinion

In law, morality is necessary for mishpat tzedek (justice) to be done and if justice is done and seen, peace will result.


Zionists didn’t wait for the Messiah - opinion

To those who believed in waiting for the Messiah, they said we can return to Israel without a Messiah.

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