Defense Ministry

IDF's response to multi-front threat: More tanks, artillery, and soldiers

The IDF aims to cancel the reduction in service length, establish an intelligence command for the Gaza Strip, and invest in an aerial and ground laser system.


Hospitalized Hamas terrorist transferred to IDF facility for care

The Hamas terrorist was transferred from Tel Hashomer Hospital to a military facility amid ongoing debates as to whether to treat terrorists at hospitals in Israel.

A member of an Israeli emergency standby squad receives an M-16 rifle from the IDF

IDF begins distributing weapons, gear to Gaza border standby squads

As part of the plan, the IDF will arm some 12 standby squads per week starting near the Gaza border, before expanding to the rest of Israel.

Israel Aerospace head Levi receives Bialkin Leadership Award from America-Israel Friendship League

The award symbolizes IAI’s contribution to Israel’s defense, both during the war and in peacetime.

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  THE MINISTRY of Defense building in Tel Aviv

How do government ministries perform during war? - opinion

A survey conducted by The Institute for Liberty and Responsibility at Reichman University examines how the public views the government’s performance during the war


Israel cyber directorate, Shin Bet given power to fight cyberattacks

Emergency regulations approved to grant the Israel National Cyber Directorate and Shin Bet authority to instruct storage service providers and digital services how to handle major cyberattacks.


Israel, Germany finalize Arrow 3 missile defense deal sale

This was the final milestone in a process dating back years with a variety of delays and ups and downs from Israel, Germany, and the US.

Israel receives new armored ambulances amid Gaza war

Dozens of ambulances that were built and armored in the US were purchased in an emergency procurement for the war.

New law allows to independently declare people, groups as terrorists

The law also expands the definition of terrorism to include people who take an active part in funding or equipping a declared terrorist organization.

IAI signs $1.2 billion deal to supply defense systems to foreign customer

“This transaction joins a series of transactions in air defense systems signed recently, strengthening the company’s position as a world leader in the field,” said Boaz Levy, CEO of IAI.

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