
Israel's soldiers are selfless, civil, patriotic. Israel's politicians are the opposite

Is this the kind of politics we want? Are these the kind of leaders we deserve? What kind of moral maggots represent us?


Knesset's streak of anti-democratic legislation goes against the public's will

Are Israelis interested in legislation that threatens to violate fundamental rights and undermine the functioning and independence of various institutions and organizations?


How will opposition groups shape post-Islamic regime Iran?

A democratic Iran is not only the aspiration of its people but also a strategic necessity for the international community. 


Individuals leaving Israel should not face criticism

One of the basic rights of the individual in a liberal democracy is the right to emigrate. Anyone who finds the situation unbearable has the right to leave without being branded a traitor.

Can secular Israel survive as the country marches into an extreme Messianic Age?

According to lawyer Yair Nehorai, Messianic Judaism is on the ascendancy and is in danger of taking over our police, army, and fragile democracy itself.

'There won't be a State of Israel': Will internal strife lead another Jewish state to ruin?

Both Solomon’s kingdom and the Hasmonean dynasty were beset by internal strife in their fourth quarters, allowing external enemies to destroy the Jewish state. That pattern is happening again.


Europe can succeed in an uncertain world, but it has to rethink the way it operates

To demonstrate leadership, Europe must form agile alliances among its states to promote research, innovation, and joint ventures.

PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu attends his trial on corruption charges at the Tel Aviv District C

Netanyahu’s trial is Israel's trial

Netanyahu's trial is a confrontation between entrenched elites clinging to their hegemony and emerging forces seeking rightful representation, one where the courtroom has become a battlefield.


Israel's democracy is under threat, a majority of Israelis say

This belief differs greatly across the political spectrum, with 94% of the Left, 71% of the Center, and just 38% of the Right expressing this opinion.


Syria’s lost democrats were overshadowed by the rise of extremist groups

Syrian's democratic opposition of 2011 was a loosely allied group and struggled with ideological, political, and ethnic divisions, resulting in a lack of unified leadership and goals.

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