Israel's deep state poses a serious threat to Israel’s unity, democracy, and ability to confront existential enemies, the author writes.
At the Table: Because he is widely regarded as a figure of integrity, Meridor is frequently interviewed by local and international media on legal and ethical issues.
Here's an explainer about what happens if Trump and Harris tie, if the election is contested, and how previous instances of this have been resolved.
The protection of minority rights is one of democracy’s foundational principles, the one distinguishing between a healthy majority rule and a dangerous tyranny of the majority.
Netanyahu said in August that the argument between him and the attorney general's office represented a "clash of two views – a decision by the clerks or a decision by the people."
Here is my personal set of resolutions for keeping the flame of hope alive that tomorrow will indeed be a better day and that 5785 will start a new narrative for the Jewish people.
Trust is a foundation of our society and economy. People are trusting. But lie to them, cheat them, deceive them, manipulate them – and their trust is gone.
Executive Order 14115 sanctions Israelis without due process, raising serious questions about US-Israel relations and civil rights.
OPINION: Donald Trump supports equality, which is freedom and private choice. Kamala Harris supports equity, based on expanded government control, creating the illusion of democracy.
Throughout the saga of Jamal Khashoggi's murder, one thing that never came up was his beliefs. In short: Yes, Khashoggi advocated for democracy in the Middle East, but of a very specific kind.