"Couldn't be too hard to find out where these people live," Joel Griggs said in a social media post suggesting that anti-Israel activists organize against the Australian Jewish Association.
Is it worth fighting to stay in a country where you’re not wanted – to the point of receiving chilling death threats?
In the United States, 37% aged 14-18 sympathize with an enemy actively working to murder as many Jews as possible and publicly vowing the destruction of Israel.
Abdallahi was found dead Saturday, November 30, at 3:30 p.m. during a routine security check at the health center in Cook County Jail.
Andorra appoints its first full-time rabbi, Kuty Kalmenson, to lead the growing Jewish community and support local needs.
The November 28th rally was a powerful reminder that we must stand in solidarity with our Jewish brothers and sisters and with Israel.
Josef Schuster: "We don't need stricter laws. But we need a judiciary that applies the existing laws crystal clear."
Attendees were deeply moved by firsthand accounts from IDF soldiers who were wounded while bravely defending Israel from the brutal Hamas massacre on October 7.
The report found that the number of antisemitic incidents is 11.6x higher than the almost-decade preceding October 7, 2023.
Kogan lived as an exemplary Jew. He was a valiant soldier in Israel’s Givati Brigade, a devoted and loving husband, a friend to all, and a Chabad emissary to the UAE.