
Oldest known ceratopsian dinosaur fossil discovered in Morocco

The femur shows distinctive traits observed exclusively in ceratopsians, confirming their existence in the Middle Jurassic.

Scientists uncover 66 dinosaur footprints on school rock slab in Queensland

“Significant fossils like this can sit unnoticed for years, even in plain sight.”

Discovering the leaf-eating, tree-clinging mammal of the Paleocene

Skeleton shows Mixodectes pungens lived in trees and primarily ate leaves during the Paleocene epoch, highlighting its unique ecological niche after the dinosaurs.

Meet Chadititan calvoi: The Graceful Titanosaur Newly Unveiled in Patagonia

Paleontologists uncovered fossils of a new species of long-necked, plant-eating dinosaur named Chadititan calvoi in northern Patagonia.

Scotland's most complete dinosaur fossil extracted from Isle of Skye cliff

Bone analysis reveals the Elgol dinosaur is a 166-million-year-old ornithopod.

Scientists discover six new fossil eggshell types in Utah's Mussentuchit Member

Study provides earliest evidence of multiple oviraptorosaurs co-existing in North America.

Challenging 'Island Dwarfism': Massive sauropods found on Transylvanian island

Measuring over ten meters in length and weighing up to eight tons, Uriash kadici was nearly four times larger than its relative, the dwarf sauropod Magyarosaurus dacus.

Rare purple dinosaur footprint discovered by fossil tour guide on Isle of Wight

The massive footprint, nearly a meter across, was revealed by recent storms that stripped away layers of shingle at Shepherd's Chine.

Research suggests smaller apex-predators ruled Australia in the dinosaur age

Megaraptorids are known for somewhat small but sharp teeth, air-filled bones, and powerful forelimbs with enormous claws. These dinosaurs have mostly been found in southern continents.

The Mexican Dragon: Decade-long quest reveals long-handed dinosaur in Mexico

The fossil remains were found during a dig in 2014 and the discovery was presented by researchers from the Paleontology Museum of the Benemérita Escuela Normal Superior de Coahuila.

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