The fragment contains two key episodes, including the only surviving account about Merlin and the early years of Arthur's court.
Analysis of a rare statuette from Tel Abel Beth Maacah suggests it portrayed a royal or elite figure, likely used as a cultic votive.
Tooth wear and childhood stress peaked in Middle Bronze I, eased with prosperity in Middle Bronze II.
Russia is working to return the coins to France, states the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Some Tessmannia princeps trees may be up to 3,000 years old due to their extremely slow growth.
Researchers caution that the molecules could be of abiotic or biological origin, and do not represent definitive proof of past life on Mars.
The finding suggests that Liternum was not only a residential area but also a resting place for gladiators after their careers in the arena.
The five bodies found belong to young soldiers of Charles V's army, discovered with a boot fastener and four small silver coins dating from the 16th century.
Experts believe the dog was an offering linked to rituals associated with an important building.
Crannogs contain some of the best-preserved evidence for Scotland's past, says Dr Helen Spencer.