
Frauen in diesem 4.875 Jahre alten Grab trugen laut Archäologen zeremonielle Perlengewänder

Die Perlen wurden vermutlich zu kunstvollen Gewändern zusammengefügt, die im Sonnenlicht schimmerten und die Frauen als mächtige Persönlichkeiten vor der Menge auftreten ließen.

3,500-year-old linen fabric displayed to public for first time in Corum

The rare 3x3 centimeter fabric fragment was found in 1995 at the Şapinuva archaeological site.

Meet Chadititan calvoi: The Graceful Titanosaur Newly Unveiled in Patagonia

Paleontologists uncovered fossils of a new species of long-necked, plant-eating dinosaur named Chadititan calvoi in northern Patagonia.

29,000-year-old child 'Pangpond' changes Thailand's prehistory

The child skeleton was unearthed in a cave at the Tham Din archaeological site within Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park, which is known for its prehistoric rock art.

Ancient shipwreck near Stockholm may rewrite Nordic maritime history

The ship's carvel-built design marks a turning point in shipbuilding history, using a construction method that differs from the clinker-built style of most medieval Scandinavian ships.

Submerged fort of San Matías rediscovered in Cartagena Bay, Colombia

Built in 1567 by Governor Pedro de Acuña on a sandbank at Cartagena Bay, the Fort of San Matías protected the city from pirate and privateer attacks.

3.5-billion-year-old meteorite impact crater discovered in Australia's Pilbara region

Researchers suggest the impact created environments conducive to the emergence of early life on Earth.

„Homo Dickschädel“: Neu entdeckte Menschenart durchstreifte Chinas Wälder mit übergroßen Köpfen

Die frühen Menschen der Art Homo juluensis hatten eine große Kopfform, die deutlich umfangreicher war als die von Neandertalern und Homo sapiens.

Rare 2,400-year-old ceramic puppets found atop El Salvador pyramid

The figurines bear expressions that change depending on the angle from which they are viewed.

14th-Century Saint Anthony mosaic found beneath Barcelona's streets

Research suggests that one of the houses may have housed one of the first documented museum collections in the Iberian Peninsula.

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