The man, who was seemingly inebriated, attacked both his wife and her father, before attempting to flee the scene.
The suspect, in his 50s, will be brought before a court following the conclusion of the police's investigation to extend his arrest.
SOCIAL AFFAIRS: 68 violent murders have been carried out in Israeli-Arab communities, four of them against women.
The victim's husband, Mohammed Massaroa, has been arrested on suspicion of murdering his wife and children.
Israel Police accused Michael Hassan, 33, of attempting to stab police officers who arrived at his Netanya home on Friday night.
International protection as a refugee can be granted to persons who are exposed to risks of violence because they are members of a "particular social group"
This activity was designed to evoke the dramatic moment in the Passover story at the conclusion of the Ten Plagues, the death of the first-born.
The Israeli government rejected a bill recently that would have allowed the courts to order the use of electronic tags to monitor abusers of domestic violence.
Last week, the government struck down a bill that would have forced violent domestic offenders to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet.
The woman's partner is the key suspect in the case after he turned himself in during the night.