Experts underestimated Israel’s resilience, yet its stock market soared.
The grant package will include expert support from JGive specialists, customized marketing and advertising services, and strategic mentorship provided by the foundation.
Some NIS 50 million will be invested in the project by the Economy Ministry, Israel Innovation Authority, Israel Aerospace Industries, and other partners.
Israeli cybersecurity companies, which account for 7% of all tech companies in Israel, raised $3.8 billion last year — about a third (36%) of total investments in the tech sector.
Your Taxes: The article is intended for anyone in business or invested in a business or real estate venture.
From a fall in government revenue to Israel's national deficit: What were the highs and lows of Israel's 2024 economy?
The NII also stressed that the cost of living was 4.2% higher in 2023 than in 2022 and that this followed a 4.4% increase in the year before.
Since the beginning of the year, the CPI and the CPI not including energy each increased by 3.5%
Over the last 33 years, we have assisted dozens of companies in setting up distribution or production facilities abroad, while continuing to grow their operations in Israel.
Israel's economic professionals have stressed it, Ratings agencies have said it - Israel needs a responsible budget for 2025, and it needs to show it can pass one now.