Elbit Systems

Elbit Systems secures $190 million IDF contract for Iron Sting guided mortar munition

Elbit Systems, a leading global defense technology company, has been awarded a notable $190 million contract to provide the Israeli defense ministry with its Iron Sting guided mortar munitions.

New Austrian anti-Israel vandal group damages factory

Palestine Action Austria posted a video to Instagram on Monday where the vandals smashed the solar panels with a hammer, poured unidentified liquids into pipes, and disconnected wires and antennas.

Introducing 'Roem,' Israel’s new, state-of-the-art artillery piece

The new Roem system saw its first operational firing in June and will be deployed with an IDF unit in the coming year.

UK anti-Israel activists vandalize packaging supplies company

"Drop Elbit" was painted in red on the facade of the company's facility, and windows were completely smashed.

Vandalism campaign smashes, ransacks Israel-connected businesses in UK

Elbit had logged 170 Palestine Action attacks against 37 companies since from July 2020 until November 2023.

Elbit Systems awarded $53 Million contract for unmanned mortar system

The innovative Israeli defense company will supply the Crossbow mortar system to the customer over a 6-year period.

Elbit wins Brazilian army weapons tender

The decision comes amid Brazilian PM Lula da Silva's criticism of Israel.

IDF tactical intelligence unit's new commander breaks glass ceiling on the frontlines

While traditional aerial units provide surveillance and reconnaissance, the Sky Riders’ focus is on the immediate areas surrounding ground troops to which they are assigned, using low-flying drones.


A new spark: Israel's Elbit unveils advanced Hermes 650 drone

Elbit Systems unveiled the Hermes™ 650 Spark, the latest in their line of Hermes UAS drones.

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