Diplomatic Affairs: Jerusalem Post's news editor talks with the Ethiopian ambassador about historical connections and flourishing partnerships.
An Israeli medical team treated nearly 1,000 patients and restored sight to hundreds during a humanitarian mission to Ethiopia's underserved communities.
Hadas Malada-Matsree has been the recipient of many awards for her work in the health sector and her ardent social activism, especially for the Ethiopian-Israeli community.
During observations, some wolves visited as many as 30 blooms in a single trip. While most wolves only visited a few flowers, one licked 20 flowers and another licked 30.
JDC brings its Jewish humanitarian values and expertise to address the challenges of endemic poverty, food insecurity, and lack of healthcare.
Jewish National Fund-USA pledges funds to renovate and upgrade “the heart and soul” of Be’er Sheva’s 13,000-strong community, the Shavu Banim Center.
Her species provided compelling evidence that upright walking evolved before large brains in human evolution.
Egypt delivered a second large cache of weapons to Somalia amid shared mistrust of Ethiopia.
Ethiopians have been experiencing institutional and individual discrimination for years, including from Israel Police, the Palmor committee found.
It is "time to treat applicants from Ethiopia the same as anyone who applies from anywhere else in the world," said Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel David Lau.