
Northern leaders say they'll 'disengage' from Israel on Independence Day

Residents of northern Israel are planning mass protests for next week as they remain displaced from their home seven months after being evacuated.


Tourism Ministry publishes economic impact of housing evacuees after Oct. 7

There are currently 27,000 evacuees being housed in hotels, 21,000 of whom are from the north.

Gaza evacuation warnings from IDF confusing, contain many errors - BBC analysis

The main issues highlighted centered around IDF warnings not complying with the IDF's own block warning system.

Ukrainian authorities launch mass evacuation in northern region

The military administration of Sumy region said more than 180 residents of areas near the Velikopysarska community, next to the border, had been evacuated over the past three days.


The lowest socioeconomic mustn't pay for war aid

The proposal to grant those directly affected by the October 7 events with a continued resident status will negatively affect the demand to ease conditions for all those desperate for public housing

Over 100K evacuees stranded, 200 vacant apartments unused since war

Shocking revelation: Ministry of Housing data unveils 200 vacant apartments unoccupied for 3 months, leaving 100,000+ evacuees in desperate search for temporary housing solutions.

What is Israel's solution for tens of thousands of evacuees?

A full building for rent? State offers innovative solution for evacuees left behind amid Israel-Hamas War.

Mayor of Sderot calls for evacuated residents to return home

Mayor Alon Davidi brought up a plan that should allow for "resettlement" in the country by paying grants to all residents who agree to leave their hotels and return to the city voluntarily.

Expelled and stranded, who will help Israel's evacuees? - editorial

It’s now over two months into this war, and we have yet to see a clear, comprehensive plan for the evacuated communities that is sustainable.

Israel agrees to 4 hours daily pause as hostage video aired

"We understand that Israel will begin to implement four-hour pauses in areas of northern Gaza" with an announcement to come three hours in advance," national security spokesperson John Kirby said.

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