The cabinet’s decision was to apply a continuation clause to the bill, which passed its first reading on the Knesset floor in 2022 but did not proceed further.
A Lod man in his 30s was indicted for allegedly strangling his wife into unconsciousness for disturbing his sleep.
The rise of femicide, particularly within Arab communities, has led to an urgent call for social, educational, and governmental interventions to tackle this tragic issue.
Dima Bushnak's family was unhappy with her pursuing her studies and getting closer with the family who owned the butchers she worked in.
The murder of Hanan Abu Hait comes on the heels of more than 20 other deadly incidents in the last two weeks alone.
SOCIAL AFFAIRS: 68 violent murders have been carried out in Israeli-Arab communities, four of them against women.
The victim's husband, Mohammed Massaroa, has been arrested on suspicion of murdering his wife and children.
Since the beginning of the year, 49 Arabs have been killed in incidents of crime and violence in Israel.
Social services said that husband was not known to them for any violence toward his wife in the past.
This activity was designed to evoke the dramatic moment in the Passover story at the conclusion of the Ten Plagues, the death of the first-born.