FIFA renewed its support for a Peres Center for Peace and Innovation program, while for the first time awarding a grant to NPO "The Equalizer."
An agricultural engineer's algorithm calculated exactly where the seeds should be sown. The result: half a million square meters of Lionel Messi.
The image that Indonesia projected was not one of a modern, forward-looking nation, but rather, that of a backward state still blinded by anti-Israel prejudice.
The investigation of a senior official for suspected serious violations of the law followed a recent anti-corruption investigation of Chinese soccer.
Indonesia's football federation said it had canceled the draw after the governor of the island of Bali refused to host Israel's team.
The 24-team soccer tournament is scheduled to be held from May 20-June 11 across six cities and Israel was set to make its debut in the competition.
The Israeli company provides on-demand sign language, and even provided sign language services to FIFA for the World Cup.