According to a recent study conducted by Leket Israel, a total of 250,000 tons of food, valued at NIS 1.9b, is expected to go unused during Passover.
People in Israel should expect to see shortages of beef and chicken this holiday season as well as rising food prices.
Why do dairy products cost so much more here than in other OECD countries?
The real issue in the Israeli market is that it is not a capitalist system but an oligopoly.
Despite a high cost of living and fears of rising food prices throughout Israel, this TikTok seems to show that NIS 100 can buy quite a lot in east Jerusalem.
Israelis can expect more variety on store shelves in 2023 due to import reforms that hope to increase market competition and reduce the cost of living.
Charitable organizations play a vital role in a country where the cost of living and the gap between rich and poor are large and growing, but experts say a real solution requires government action