Crassigyrinus would have likely been a feared predator in its day, as it would have behaved somewhat like a modern crocodile.
More than half of the skeleton's bones are original. The rest are replacements made from plaster and epoxy resin casts.
Bats are one of the most unique and fascinating creatures on the planet. Despite the immense interest in bats, there is still a lot we don't know about their history.
The climate crisis, which is already raining down plagues upon the earth, advances at an accelerated pace. The doom of millions of people and thousands of species, barring a miracle, is inevitable.
The delayed appearance of these animals shows that this was not a unique period of rapid evolutionary advances, as previously believed.
Measuring nearly one meter long, the footprint is the largest of its kind found in the English county of Yorkshire.
Oldowan tools were used to process many foods, including ancient hippopotamuses, at least 600,000 years earlier than previously thought.
A three-year drought likely resulted in catastrophic harvest reduction or even complete failure, which spelled doom for the Hittites.
Experts believe that the discovery will help fill a gap in the fossil record.
According to new research out of the University of Kansas, early primates were able to adapt to life in the warm climate of prehistoric Canada.