free speech

UK ex-barrister sentenced for blog posts: 'Nothing wrong with being antisemitic’

CPS and the Hampshire Constabulary said that they went through a year's worth of blog posts, but only five antisemitic posts were found to be in violation of the 2003 Communications Act.

Prosecutors seek Trump gag order in NY hush money criminal case

The requests noted Trump's "longstanding history of attacking witnesses, investigators, prosecutors, judges and others involved in legal proceedings against him."


Unity as a value is not dangerous, politicizing values is

“Unity” is the call for humans to draw a clear boundary between “right vs wrong,” and not let it fall into the muddy waters of “Right vs Left.”


Israel does not have freedom of speech

Yes, the right wing has full freedom of speech, but it is not the country as a whole.

Jewish daughter of UK official drops Uni. of Leeds course over antisemitism

Tabytha Shapps dropped a course following antisemitic and anti-Israel comments made by her peers.

Calls for genocide on private college campuses do not require nuance - opinion

Nuance is the enemy of reason in some circumstances, and this is such a circumstance. 


Denmark passes bill to ban Quran burnings

The issue garnered attention in the region after a planned Torah burning was approved by Sweden before being scrapped by the organizers, whose goal to ban the burning of all holy books.


Supporters of terrorism abusing freedom of speech - opinion

Legislation is needed that clearly defines the boundaries and intended purpose of freedom of speech.


Is Elon Musk inadvertently helping Hamas win the war online? - opinion

The war with Hamas is highlighting that unfettered free speech becomes a weapon in the hands of bad actors. Elon Musk is not a neutral moderator – he's part of the problem.

Islamist rally in London calls for 'Muslim armies' to invade Israel

The group, which is banned in Germany, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan, officially opposes Hamas but described the October 7 attack as "a day of good news." 

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