Gali Baharav-Miara

Ben-Gvir demands attorney general probe Golan following calls for reservist disobedience

National Security Minister Ben-Gvir demanded an investigation against Labor Party Chairman Yair Golan for incitement, urging immediate action from Attorney General Baharav-Miara due to wartime severi

National Security Minister Ben-Gvir seeks dismissal of Police Commissioner Shabtai

The decision has been deemed illegal by Israel's Attorney General, Gali Baharav-Miara.

Israel's attorney-general, state attorney: 'ICC prosecutor's decision is baseless'

"The court lacks any authority to conduct an investigation on the matter," the two said in a joint statement. 

  (L-R) A-G Gali Baharav-Miara, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Ministers approve Netanyahu proposal to adapt 2022 haredi conscription law

Attorney General: Not relevant to today's reality, lacks 'factual professional foundations'

Urgent appeal to Attorney-General: 'Immediately deal with police violence against protesters'

They emphasized the increasing use of skunk water and stun grenades as "conduct that characterizes dictatorships."


Likud MK: Court overreached on haredi draft, but all Israelis should be drafted

Amit Halevi slammed the Supreme Court and Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara on radio 103FM, saying their intervention in the haredi draft law issue was inappropriate.


Did Israel's A-G open Pandora's box on IDF haredi draft?

The attorney general, possibly with good intentions, may have wrecked the idea of a real court deadline with teeth that can get anyone to make hard choices on this fateful issue.

Itamar Ben-Gvir scuffles with MK Ahmad Tibi in the Knesset plenum, March 13, 2024

Ben-Gvir, Arab MKs clash over police shooting of Palestinian teen in Knesset

Baharav-Miara warned Ben-Gvir of interfering with an investigation where a police officer shot and killed a 13-year-old Palestinian.

Coalition funds only to be used for war effort - AG

The AG's instructions come after coalition funds have been debated continuously over the course of the last month.

Israel gears up for the prosecution of October 7 perpetrators

During the fighting, the security forces eliminated many of the terrorists, and others who were involved in the murderous attacks were captured.

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