Gali Baharav-Miara

Netanyahu trial: Court tells Israeli prosecution to drop bribery charge

The court would have difficulties in proving Netanyahu's bribery charge, but the State Attorney's Office said that it saw the situation differently.

Netanyahu trials: Bribery charge to remain despite 'complexity' - prosecution

A-G Gali Baharav-Miara said that "no circumstance had changed," and that the prosecution would continue with Netanyahu's case.

Israel Police risk politicization with Ben-Gvir's Police Law -A-G

Ben-Gvir said that the Police Law was important to fix problems in the law and to regulate the Israel Police.

Israel's A-G to Netanyahu lawyers: No mediation in criminal trials

The Prime minister's attorneys met with the A-G last month in an attempt to carry out a mediation process meant to lead to a plea agreement.

Bill proposal removing 'terror-supporting' students from Israeli universities postponed

A-G Baharav-Miara warned that the bill would curb freedom of speech and could face "constitutional difficulties."

Netanyahu won't be held in contempt of High Court, petition rejected

The procedure is applied in situations where the court has ruled that there has been a violation of a law, the court explained.

Ben-Gvir can't use police appointments to influence operations - A-G

Ben-Gvir tried to remove the Tel Aviv Police District commander from his position hours after criticizing Tel Aviv police treatment of protestors.

A-G to High Court: Gov’t can’t deny Palestinians entry to Remembrance Day ceremony

The attorney-general also stressed that "this is a specific issue that has come before the High Court twice in recent years."

NGOs double down on petitions against Netanyahu over conflict of interest

MQG head Dr. Eliad Shraga said that they were disappointed with the response to the petition, which deviated from her previous strictness on the matter.

A-G disinterest in Netanyahu plea deal talks 'speculation' - Justice Ministry

Case 1000, a corruption trial in which Netanyahu is charged with fraud and breach of trust, resumed on Monday.

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