Yousafzai asked to "openly challenge and denounce the Taliban's oppressive laws" and for political leaders to support the addition of gender apartheid to crimes against humanity.
"I don’t like to know the end of any story – or any hint of how a story will end – before its time. If I’m reading a movie review that says 'spoiler alert,' I quickly turn the page."
Legislation that is so deeply rooted in hypocrisy and deception should not be considered by the legislative bodies of Israel.
The play is introduced to the audience by a frame-story. A married couple (Mika Zak and Yonatan Shimony) attempt to explain the play to us.
One theory given as to why the Y chromosome is shedding genes is the theory of “sexual conflict.”
How Jewish law views sex and gender and tackles intersex, chromosomal, and hormonal issues.
"This is another significant step on the way to equal rights for the trans community."
Bill Maher critiques selective outrage among activists, urging them to address gender apartheid and human rights abuses often overlooked by Western protests.
They found that care in hospitals with higher surgery team sex diversity was linked with better post-operative outcomes for patients.
According to the 2023 edition of the Global Gender Gap Report, the MENA region remains the furthest away from gender parity compared to other regions.