Scholz reaffirmed his support for Israel amid ongoing ICJ investigations into claims of genocide during a podcast interview with podcaster Tilo Jung.
The plan will either be used to further demonize Trump and Israel, or it could set a precedent for thinking outside the box – not only in the Middle Eastern domain but across other academic areas.
The woman, identified as 52-year-old Swedish citizen Lina Ishaq, returned to Sweden in 2020 and is currently serving time for other offences committed in Syria.
"South Africa is confiscating land and treating certain classes of people VERY BADLY," Trump said in a Truth Social post.
Camilla said it was crucial to remember the Holocaust given anti-Semitism was at its highest level for a generation.
At a time of rising populism and increasing opposition worldwide to immigration from countries wracked by poverty and civil war, Chanoff says his work is more urgent than ever.
"The actions of Sergeant A and his platoon demonstrate systematic violations of international humanitarian law, targeting civilians and protected infrastructure," HRF stated.
President of Poland Andrzej Duda sits down with the ‘Post’ for an exclusive interview ahead of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.
The controversy erupted over the event’s original title, “You Feel Like You Are Subhuman: The Genocide of Israel Against the Palestinian People in Gaza,” which some deemed inflammatory.
Whether you call it an obsession or antisemitism, social convenience or just ignorance, the international silence on the Arab genocide in Sudan adds up to the same thing: an egregious moral outrage.