Even in the absence of our Temple, we remained steadfast in our mission – to mend humanity when it veered off course, guiding it back toward moral spirit.
There are a number of midrashim (non-literal interpretations) that reflect the relationship between God and Israel as manifested in the Tabernacle.
What they didn’t plan on was the factor of divine intervention that was at play, proving that the God of Gideon is still the same God who continues to intervene on our behalf today!
Without employing critical historical perspectives to explore the role of religion and the construction of God, we cannot hope to fully grasp the complex interfaith dynamics at play in the world.
Comprehension begins within us, including our understanding and encounter with God – the universal web that connects us to everything and everybody.
We will always be outnumbered at protests and be the minority on social media. Being among the few and holding our ground is part of being Jewish.
True prayer begins with gratitude, which reflects trust and acknowledgment of God’s greatness. Then, it elaborates on every concern and worry.
Kabbalah of Information, the structure of Creation, Soul and Blues.
God voted not only for Trump but for all these presidents, Democrat and Republican alike. God – along with us – chose them and placed them in a position to impact the world.
We stand today, like Abraham, atop the mountain, facing the delicate challenge of reconciling morality and prophecy.