The attack on the popular upmarket Pearl Restaurant, on the capital's Lido Beach, happened early on Friday evening.
The individuals involved were brought before the commander of Sayeret Nahal, Col. Oren Simcha, on Sunday to receive final judgment.
Additionally, two suspects were arrested in the Old City after they reportedly attacked civilians and Israeli forces with pepper spray.
Two officers were wounded in an exchange of gunfire with the suspect, who was killed at the scene, and there were multiple civilian victims, at least three of whom died.
The new regulations would need to be brought before the Knesset National Security Committee for approval.
Representatives Jones and Pearson hoped to be reappointed by their districts to serve in their seats until they could run again in special elections
The four unidentified Americans were in a white minivan with North Carolina license plates when they entered Matamoros, Tamaulipas on Friday.
When Jacquleine Vadurro did a DNA test, never would she have expected to be a key piece in helping detectives solve a decades old murder.
Ben-Gvir wants more weapons on the streets and therefore aims to speed up the process of receiving a gun permit.
The judge also blocked bans on carrying guns in public libraries, museums, bars and restaurants and on private property without the owner's explicit permission, as well as transporting loaded guns.