Diplomats, the press and international research institute delegates have been invited to view the items from today through to next week.
Since September 3, police have arrested over 3,123 suspects and seized approximately 450 weapons in the operation.
Some 20 guests, including students from the University of Michigan, were at the rabbi's house when a gunman entered last night.
Barry Meirovitch, civilian response team head, spoke to the unofficial civilian prove of Oct. 7 - noting that his community was left unarmed to defend itself.
For more than a decade, Gabby Giffords has been best known for surviving a 2011 assassination attempt at a constituent meet and greet.
Trump told the "New York Post" that the bullet would have killed him had he not turned his head to the side to read a chart.
Pascal Tribout, 37, was arrested on Thursday and a 3D printed firearm and several 3D printers were seized. He had also allegedly incited violence against the Canadian Jewish community.
Biden’s lawyers sought to show he was not using drugs when he bought the gun and did not intend to deceive because he didn’t consider himself a drug user when he filled out the form.
With big events set to return to Yarkon Park, starting with Omer Adam's concert on April 18, civilians will be allowed to bring firearms in order to increase security.
Police operation in Eizariya near Jerusalem discovers combat gear; two suspects arrested. Seized arms lead to suspects' detention, highlighting ongoing efforts against illegal weapons.