Gush Katif

‘Oslo is dead’: Right-wing ministers, MKs call for return to Gaza settlements

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir called Sunday for an immediate return to Gaza settlements and "correction" of the Oslo Accords.

'Heroes of Gaza': Mini Israel Park to unveil its Gush Katif model over Hanukkah

The event aims to expose visitors to the lives that existed in Gush Katif up until nearly 20 years ago when the settlements were evacuated.

When Israelis formed a human chain to stop the Gaza Disengagement - opinion

Eighteen years ago, 150,000 people formed a human chain, 90 km. long, that stretched from Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip to the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

Coalition of 11 right-wing organizations unveils Gaza strip resettlement initiative

The overarching objective is to fortify the security belt and reestablish a Jewish presence in these regions.


Make Gaza Israel again - opinion

Aside from toppling Hamas and freeing the hostages, let’s rebuild the Jewish communities of Gush Katif that were uprooted 18 years ago and restore a civilian Jewish presence in Gaza.

Grapevine July 21, 2023: A deliberate omission?

Movers and shakers in Israeli society.

Hamas terrorist and brother of Hadar Goldin kidnapper freed to Gaza

Yusuf Masoud was arrested in 2003 and convicted of launching rockets at the Gush Katif settlement bloc before the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.


'This is a battle for our lives,' determined Sderot resident says

Ishai Trabelsi has lived under the shadow of Gaza terrorism his whole life - first in Gush Katif and later, after the evacuation, close to the border in the town of Sderot.

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