Haredi Jews, or Ultra-Orthodox Jews, refers to a socio-religious demographic of Jewish people that follow strict interpretations of Torah, halachah (Jewish traditions) and rabbinical decrees.
Haredi Jews are not a monolithic group, and have many ideological beliefs and differences sect to sect. Some characteristics that are often shared are cultural. Haredi Jews often wear old shtetl-style black and white clothing with distinct hats, have large families with a focus on the family unit, and live in neighbourhoods with predominantly Haredi families.
Ideologically, haredi Jews vary on zionism, but often believe in separation of genders in public spaces, are against public life and works on shabbat, and are often antagonistic to many manifestations of technology. Haredi youth are expected to learn Jewish scriptures in Yeshivas until they are married.
There are about 1.8 million haredi Jews in the world, many living in Europe, the United States, and Israel. In Israel Haredim make up about 12% of the population. There are haredi parties in the Israeli Knesset, such as Shas, United Torah Judaism, Noam, and Yachad.
One conflict between haredi Jews and other cleavages in Israeli society is military service. In the past there have been protests against the conscription of haredi men into the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Laws have previously been passed to compromise and preclude haredi men from conscription. Another point of contention has in the past been haredi representation in the workforce, but the number of haredi Jews integrating into the workforce has been increasing.
The bill is currently being prepared in the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee but is unlikely to pass by the end of the month.
Director Meni Philip's powerful film gives a voice to survivors of corporal punishment in haredi educational institutions, revealing how widespread abuse shapes an entire community.
The decision means that the funds will no longer be labeled as “coalition funds”.
Haredi faction Degel Hatorah's vote on the 2025 budget remains uncertain amid coalition strife.
The vote over coalition funds has been delayed.
Perhaps a decade from now, after the ultra-Orthodox population has become accustomed to core studies and state service, a universal military draft can be imposed.
Phinehas Veuillet’s 'Neither Day Nor Night' delves into the struggles of a newly religious Mizrahi family in Bnei Brak, exposing deep-seated biases in Haredi society.
Readers of The Jerusalem Post have their say.
"The data speaks for itself. It proves that minors from the ultra-Orthodox sector were the only ones prosecuted for passive unlawful assembly," the judge said.
For those hoping that shared national challenges might bridge the secular-religious divide, Rabbi Landau’s words are deeply discouraging.