haredi population in israel

INCREASED INTEGRATION of Haredim into the workforce has resulted in a record-low poverty rate in the

Solving the haredi employment problem in Israel

The differences in haredi society are significant, and they require us to rethink any actions that might be taken in order to encourage their employment.


Survey of haredi society shows a community inching toward the norm

In 2002, only about a third of haredi men, and just over half of haredi women, were employed. Those numbers surged between 2003 and 2015.

Majority of Israeli haredim oppose draft despite the war

The survey found that 70% of the ultra-Orthodox have not changed their opinion regarding conscription since the outbreak of the war between Israel and Hamas.


Thousands of haredi volunteers rally to aid Israel amidst conflict with Hamas

Chamal's activity is divided into three core divisions, each dedicated to addressing critical needs.


Gov't to transfer hundreds of millions in funds for haredi education

The plan seeks to transfer NIS 94 million for the sake of "Jewish culture", NIS 61 million to support yeshivas and their students, and NIS 32 million to boys' schools that don't teach core studies.

Haredi integration should be encouraged, not questioned

The Central Bureau of Statistics reports an all-time high in employment among haredi men at 55.8% – surpassing last quarter’s record-breaking 55%.


Gallant: Service in IDF must remain a supreme value

IDF intelligence chief: Following intel. 'commandments' will avoid another surprise war.

Women required to sit in back of theater at 'family friendly' Israeli play

Rosh Ha'ayin residents said separate seating was done in the past, but it was left and right and not front and back.

Jerusalem Foundation to invest in haredi women, Arabs, LGBTQ youth in 2023

JFI's Innovation Fund was created in 2020 in an effort to combat the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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