After the Skver hassidic movement banned artificial intelligence, Rabbi Moishy Goldstein created Kosher.Chat, an AI chatbot with answers appropriate for Orthodox Jews.
Seventy-five years after David Ben-Gurion gave the famous exemption to 400 yeshiva students, the state is again facing a critical juncture.
At a concert in Times Square on Saturday night, thousands of teens gathered to sing Jewish songs — and witness the mezuzah being hung.
Devekut during prayer is not an innovation; that is exactly what we strive for during prayer. But to achieve a state of devekut while eating – that is truly a laudable feat!
Try to visit the Israeli haredi city of Bnei Brak on Shabbat and let yourself feel part of a community and way of life that is rarely on the tourist agenda.
The term devekut is often rendered in English as “cleaving.” Alas, using an English term that is not part of common speech hardly clarifies the experience being described.