A study found 40% of cardiac arrest survivors had vivid experiences while unconscious, some recognizing their own death.
Nurit Moses suffered from cardiac arrest while driving, but her life was saved thanks to Magen David Adom's quick emergency response.
An increased white blood cell count could be an early warning sign of heart conditions to come.
A heart attack is more than just chest pain: Learn to identify the subtle clues of an impending heart attack.
Limited weekday time for exercise? Don't worry, you're still improving your heart health significantly.
Authorities theorize that the man tied the towels he requested together before using them to rappel down the side of the hospital.
This technology has the power to significantly improve patient outcomes. Indeed, the MDA notes that it “could make survival rates for cardiac events appreciably higher.”
Following rounds of chest compressions, the woman’s pulse returned.
This young woman's life was saved from a pulmonary embolism thanks to this handy Apple Watch feature.
ZAKA volunteer Yosef Dorfman, who was traveling back from Thailand as part of his work, rushed to try and help the passenger but was unsuccessful.