The ten justices did not apply for the position, but Levin announced their candidacy on Sunday regardless, citing the wording of Israeli law.
Levin explained on Monday that the Judicial Appointments Committee will now vet all 12 candidates, and this will reveal their “true face” by exposing public complaints against them.
Daycare subsidies are economic incentive for ultra-Orthodox men to continue yeshiva despite legal requirement to enlist.
The Justice Minister must name Chief Justice candidates by the end of the day.
He noted that the military pressure applied by Israel "since January is not enough. The state itself admitted this when it submitted an affidavit to the High Court," Ofer said.
Lapid said that if Levin refused to respect the High Court decision, he would act so that the committee convened regardless.
The High Court ordered Justice Minister Yariv Levin to start the process of appointing a Chief Justice, raising criticism from ministers and coalition members.
With the justice minister blocking Supreme Court appointments and ministers defying the attorney general, Israel's democracy faces a critical test.
The recordings showed that the IBA representative on the committee, Yechiel Katz, worked on behalf of Nave to have Mandelblit appointed.
Justice Minister Yariv Levin's fight against the Supreme Court reached a new peak this week, with no sign of compromise from either party.