Home Front Command

Lag Ba'Omer: Police work to remove pilgrims from Mount Meron amid rocket threat

Since October 7th, Hezbollah has fired dozens of rockets toward the Mount Meron area on several occasions.


Home Front lifted restrictions used as a fake out weapon to surprise Iran?

Only a few days ago, the IDF Home Front Command lifted basically all restrictions on normal life in Israel, something which suggested that Jerusalem was not that close to striking back.

In one click: the application that connects patients to professionals in the Amharic language

Three Heitkists from the Ethiopian community recently founded the project "Together we will win", which provides a response to adults and new immigrants in the Amharic language.


Waves of hostile aircraft intrusion alerts sound across northern Israel, IDF hits terror cell

An hour after the first wave of alerts, numerous additional hostile aircraft intrusion alerts sounded in another part of the Israeli north, including areas such as the Golan Heights.


IDF Education and Youth Corps mobilize to support evacuees nationwide

Since the outbreak of war on October 7, all 1,000 staff members of the corps have been mobilized to support more than 130,000 evacuees.

Home Front Command saving civilian lives in Israel - interview

The importance of the Home Front Command's responsibilities has been highlighted in the month since Hamas began its war on Israel.


Israel Rises: Aid platform launched to coordinate volunteer efforts

Israel Rises aims to reduce redundancies and oversights in the nationwide attempt to provide aid to those in need.

Live in a private house without a building permit? Construction permit in two weeks

Detached houses are eligible for expedited Safe Room permits, with online applications, ensuring approval in just 14 days.

What will happen in Israel if the IDF strikes Iran?

Home Front Command drilled a scenario in which about 100 civilians would be killed and about a thousand would be wounded.

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