
Court says it won’t block rebuilding of West Bank’s Homesh on state land

“We order the deletion of the petition after it has been exhausted in its current form,” the court said.

State confirms plans to return Israelis to destroyed Homesh settlement

Israelis will officially be allowed to return to the Homesh settlement in the West Bank.

Resettling Homesh threatens Israeli security, the Zionist vision - opinion

Extremist settlers act as if the land is more sacred than human life. In so doing they jeopardize the lives of their women and children as well as of all Israelis, wherever in Israel they live.


Investigate Gallant, Smotrich over Homesh construction -Yesh Din to A-G

Yesh Din said that new buildings had been erected at Homesh last Sunday night, against the opinions of the Judea and Samaria legal advisor.

The US State Department’s occupied territory - opinion

In the eyes of the State Department, granting a group of Jews permission to study Torah in a yeshiva in Samaria raises the same level of concern as the murder of Nigerian children.

Israel's 'responsible adult': Gallant tackles domestic, external threats

DEFENSE AFFAIRS: What Defense Minister Yoav Gallant thinks about Iran, the reservist crisis, Smotrich and Ben-Gvir, US relations and the Palestinian terror wave

Palestinian father, toddler likely hit by errant Israeli gunfire - IDF

IDF says Palestinian civilians injured following shooting at settlement • Soldier injured in separate incident in northern Samaria

How can Gallant justify Homesh and secure US cooperation? - analysis

Gallant can point out that the new yeshiva and some other moves really are small and symbolic. They will not really change the status quo of the West Bank issue.

US 'deeply troubled' over Israeli settlers' return to Homesh

A spokesperson reiterated that the US sees the return to Homesh as inconsistent with previous commitments made to US governments.

US ‘deeply troubled’ by Homesh yeshiva reopening

The new Homesh Yeshiva building was built in the land that was included in the disengagement repealment bill.

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