IDF refusal

IDF reservists refuse to serve – but I'm ready to serve anytime - opinion

As I watch thousands of reservists declare that they will no longer serve, I am saddened to see military service become politicized to the extent it has been


Israel can't use short-term solutions for long-term problems

NATIONAL AFFAIRS: Enough of apportioning blame, enough with the dire descriptions of the country’s state and where it is going.


My Word: Law and disorder

The morning after the law passed, turned into “the mourning after” for the anti-reform and anti-government camp.

IDF: Still ready, but process of harming readiness started

IDF Chief of Staff Halevi stressed, "In the midst of this instability, the IDF must maintain its responsibility."

IDF chief calls on reservists who quit over judicial reform to come back

The IDF had threatened sanctions on reservists who refused to serve in protest over judicial reform and the reasonableness standard bill. Now, the IDF chief appeared to offer amnesty.

Another 10,000 IDF reservists announce they won't serve anymore

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and IDF Chief Herzi Halevi will reportedly meet to discuss the issue on Sunday.

Hundreds of Air Force officers stop reserves service in judicial reform protest

The reservists warned that the reform will turn Israel "from a democracy into a dictatorship."

IDF chief: 'Refusing reservist duty harms IDF, Israel's security'

The IDF chief said, "The connection between the IDF and the committee is important, it is an important opportunity to present a situation assessment and the state of readiness," of the IDF.

Netanyahu: Israelis refusing to serve in IDF reserves are 'undemocratic'

"Incitement to refusals is contrary to democracy. It cannot be that a small group threatens to do away with Israel's security," Netanyahu said.

Israelis believe that IDF protests endanger Israel - poll

Researchers polled a total of 516 respondents who constitute a representative sample of the adult population of Israel. 

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