Analysts believe that political and economic instability, as well as corruption and a lack of effective governance, are major obstacles to Pakistan’s progress and prosperity.
The IMF on Tuesday forecast that global headline inflation would fall to 6.8% in 2023 from 8.7% in 2022, dropping to 5.2% in 2024, with core inflation declining more gradually to 6.0% in 2023.
Gourinchas said emerging market economies also faced a "quite serious" risk of disruptions causes by any further financial market volatility, or an escalation in Russia's war in Ukraine.
The IMF said delay had led to a decrease in the foreign currency deposits that could eventually be recovered when the banking sector is restructured.
Being put on the FATF gray list could disrupt Lebanon's capital flows, with banks possibly exiting relationships with customers to reduce compliance costs.
The dead included five women and three children, police said, while five other people were hospitalized following the incident.