Lynette Zang warns of a potential hyperinflationary crisis and urges investors to consider gold as a crucial hedge against economic turmoil.
Clive Thompson recently warned in an interview with Liberty and Finance of a looming crisis in government debt, urging investors to consider gold as a crucial hedge against inflation.
Montgomery's concerns about hyperinflation and his recommends to invest in gold and silver.
Hemke warned of a looming recession, anticipating the Federal Reserve will be forced to aggressively cut interest rates.
The Bank of Israel left its benchmark interest rate unchanged at 4.5% in its 8th straight such decision
An increasing number of Liberal parliamentarians, alarmed by a series of gloomy polls, have publicly urged Trudeau to quit.
Critics have blamed monopolies for price hikes unrelated to raw material costs, deepening Israel's cost-of-living crisis.
The forum emphasized that a rate cut could help mitigate some of the increased costs that freelancers and business owners are expected to face in 2025.
CPI is up, which is good. But record household debt is a sign of “inflation fighting inflation.” Persistent inflation could be with us for years, say analysts.