Iran Hamas

Iran's influence, impact on Middle East should be a red flag to all - opinion

It is clear that the Iranian zeal for exporting its influence and impact on the region is being cleverly and patiently executed on multiple levels and in multiple arenas.

Cracking down on Hamas and sugar daddy Khamenei - Opinion

'Europe should stop approaching the regime as a regular partner in negotiations. Iran is not a regular partner; it is a terror force trying to expand its tentacles across the Middle East'.


Palestinian rights groups demand probe into death of preacher in Hamas detention

Mohammed al-Sufi was known for his criticism of Hamas leaders and their ties to Iran and was detained upon his return from Egypt last week.

Make no mistake – Israel no longer decides when wars are fought - analysis

Hamas learned in a more systematic way, with Iran and Hezbollah assisting, how to instigate its own ring of fire around Jerusalem.

Iran: We can threaten Suez, Hormuz, the strategic waterways of region

The third article in several days by Iranian pro-IRGC media boasts about drone and missile threats to Israel and support for Hezbollah and Palestinian armed groups

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