iran sanctions

EU considering sanctions on Iran, Hamas - report

The documents also showed that the EU wants Arab states to have a strong presence in any sanctions regime.

Iran looks to boost missile program, even with new US restrictions

Now that sanctions have expired, other regional and global powers are looking to Iran.

UK sanctions more Iranian officials to mark anniversary of Mahsa Amini death

The sanctions impose a British travel ban on those named, block any of their British assets and prevent UK entities from doing business with them.

Iranian pro-government protesters burn an U.S. flag as they attend a demonstration in Tehran, Iran

Elderly Virginia man imprisoned for conspiring with Iran

The 72-year-old had set up an elaborate network of businesses across the US, Iran and the UAE to ship controlled petroleum substances.

Europe not planning to ‘snapback’ Iran sanctions despite continued violations

Western states have been hesitant to discuss sanctions, while Washington and Tehran held indirect talks for an informal agreement that would have Iran freeze its nuclear program.

E3 planning to keep Iran sanctions despite sunset

The Foreign Office did note that Iran’s repeated development and testing of ballistic missiles violates the UN Security Council resolution banning them from doing so.

Europeans plan to keep ballistic missile sanctions on Iran

Keeping the EU sanctions would reflect Western efforts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them despite the collapse of the 2015 deal.


Zelensky introduces 50-year Iran sanctions bill

Kyiv and its allies say Iran has been supplying Russia with arms, including hundreds of drones, since Moscow invaded Ukraine last year.


EU sanctions Tehran Police unit and secretary of cyberspace for human rights abuses

The Council said “Restrictive measures now apply to a total of 216 individuals and 37 entities."

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