islamic jihad

Jenin militia warns PA: ‘We won’t allow anyone to take our weapons’

In the ensuing clashes, protesters burned tires, blocked roads and threw stones at Palestinian security officers, who responded with tear-gas and stun grenades.

Iran's influence, impact on Middle East should be a red flag to all - opinion

It is clear that the Iranian zeal for exporting its influence and impact on the region is being cleverly and patiently executed on multiple levels and in multiple arenas.

Palestinian Authority arrests five Islamic Jihad terrorists in Jenin

The Islamic Jihad terroirist group said Palestinian security forces arrested five of its members in Jenin overnight.


Palestinians celebrate ‘victory’ after IDF pullout from Jenin

Palestinians are claiming triumph as Israeli forces pull out of Jenin, claiming they thwarted the Israeli military's goals.

Jenin, the West Bank terror capital - opinion

The combination of the economic turmoil in Jenin, life under the military operations, leadership that incites violence, and the inaction of the PA have emboldened extremism.

Support the troops - editorial

Approximately 25% of the population in the Jenin area is affiliated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad and some 20% is affiliated with Hamas, according to the IDF Spokesperson.

Egypt wants return of PA to Gaza border crossing, Palestinians say

The terminal, the only crossing point between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, has been under Hamas' control since its violent takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007.

Jerusalem Day lessons: Israelis shouldn't be afraid of terrorists' threats - analysis

Hamas, with all its bluster, knew that if it were to fire rockets at Jerusalem because of the flag march, Israel would hit back hard.


Israel’s operation in Gaza: A new level in precision fighting - opinion

While credit is due for the IDF's precision in the recent operation, credit is missing in the Israeli government's economic policy.

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