Islamic Republic

Iranian parliament proposes labeling Canadian army as terrorist group

Iran proposes a motion to label the Canadian armed forces as a terrorist organization on Sunday.


How narcissism and antisemitism drive Iran's Middle East strategy

"Our collective failure to address the psychological dimensions of Iran’s strategy may inadvertently empower the regime."

Canada lists Iran's IRGC as a terrorist group

"Current and former senior Iranian government officials who are in Canada may be investigated and removed."


Iranian woman faces 18 years in prison for condemning Oct. 7 attacks

Sepehri decided to issue a statement supporting Israel following October 7, which the Islamic regime in Iran viewed as a clear act of defiance.

Iran bought 300 tons of uranium from Niger for illicit nuke weapon program

The London-based independent news organization Iran International published a report in early June about Iran’s clandestine negotiations with Niger’s Junta government.

Iranian writer tweets dot to Khamenei, gets imprisoned

Hosseyn ShanbehZaadeh’s simple tweet got more positive traction than the Supreme Leader.


Three things everyone should know about Hezbollah - analysis

From messianic convictions to executing political dissidents, from global terror attacks killing hundreds to LGBTQphobic discourse, here are three things that everyone should remember about Hezbollah


Khomeini’s legacy 35 years on: How the ayatollah shaped modern Iran

The enigmatic religious leader-cum-revolutionary, who passed away in 1989, left a profound and lasting legacy on Iran and the broader Middle East that is still felt globally today.

Sexual violence within Islamic Republic of Iran is the regime's tool for control

Sexual violence in Iran serves a multifaceted role. At its core, it is a method of breaking down individuals’ defenses, paving the way for indoctrination and control.

The dispensable statesman: Does Raisi's death even impact Iran?

RAISI’S DEPARTURE won’t end this rise of the mediocre in the Iranian system. His temporary successor, former IRGC officer Mohammed Mokhber, is a product of the same process.

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