The team believes that the structure was in use until the 8th century BCE, the middle of the period when the Kings of Judah ruled.
"The mosaic discovered in Kiryat Gat is one of the most unique ever found in Israel," said Mark Avrahami, Head of Artistic Conservation at the Israel Antiquities Authority.
“This cross medallion is not considered an antiquity by law as it is ‘only’ 100-200 hundred years old or so, but it is a unique object," said Dr Re'em of IAA.
While ancient Chinese porcelain has been found in Israel before, this is the first discovery featuring actual Chinese inscription.
After looking online, the family realized the importance of the object and contacted the Israel Antiquities Authority.
Grave stelae found in the provinces of Anatolia are a main source of information about Roman gladiators.
Excavations in Jerusalem revealed that Sennacherib’s 701 BCE military campaign impacted Judah's economy, uncovering administrative changes under King Hezekiah.
The paintings depict Greek mythological characters such as Demeter, Medusa, and nymphs and include floral decorations and images relating to nature.
A 3,500-year-old trench found in Jerusalem's City of David reveals the city's northern fortification, resolving a 150-year-old debate.
Scarlet, alongside royal blue (Tekhelet) and purple (Argaman), was revered in the ancient world for its rarity and expense.