According to the ICA, 2,000 Israeli women (40%) and men (60%) will be diagnosed with malignant melanoma of the skin this year.
Ahead of Purim, the Israel Cancer Association (ICA) calls on public figures here to refrain from distributing cigarettes to children at Purim events.
Following World Cancer Day, which was marked this past Sunday, the Israeli Cancer Association will hold an event on Friday dedicated to cancer patients and their families.
DNA methylation sheds light on varieties of the most common and most fatal primary brain cancer.
The number of cases that are diagnosed while still treatable has also been on the rise.
Endometrial Cancer Awareness Week is now being marked in Israel and abroad to fight ignorance among women and meager allocations for diagnosing and treating the illness.
Every day, an average of five Israelis are diagnosed with melanoma, especially in men, according to the Israel Cancer Association.
A generous endowment from Drs. Susan and Henry Samueli is expected to give cancer treatment and research in Israel an extra leg up.
The study showed that mutations in the MUTYH gene associated with the hereditary MAP syndrome cause about 27% of the cases of polyposis patients.
What are the main factors that dramatically increase the risk of cervical cancer and what can we do to eradicate it?