This is the seventh whale in recent years to have washed up dead on Israel's shorelines.
“The one-way direction of the porcupine's quills did not allow the snake to spit out the porcupine," said reptile ecologist Aviad Bar.
A 53-year-old blind man says he was denied entry to Ein Gedi because of his guide dog. The Israel Nature and Parks Authority says "The ibexes are scared of dogs."
The cub, newly named Zion-Neev, is adapting to his new life at the Simbonga Game Reserve & Sanctuary.
The animals were found held in violation of the law, in conditions deemed to be "ignominious," police said. He was also missing a permit for the possession and trade of pythons.
Israel's Ein Gedi hike ranked higher on Explore!'s list than Nepal's world-renowned Annapurna circuit.
These organizations worked in concert with Israel's Nature and Parks Authority and the Israel Antiquities authority to restore the city's historic sites.
A group of approximately 10 dolphins was spotted swimming close to the water's surface by the Israeli-Egyptian border.