Until now, most tax treaties are bilateral and not multilateral. MoMA doesn’t actually prescribe anything new, but it presents current “best” practice for resolving multilateral tax disputes
The investigation revealed that the suspects have sold 1,700 works since 2021 and obtained 620 Ethereum in payment which is equivalent to approximately NIS 8m.
Ze'ev Parnas claims the money came from abroad and was transferred to his bank account.
It was found during the investigation that the suspect didn't report any income from sales from a platform at all.
Input VAT is not recoverable on the caterer’s invoices, kitchen equipment and dining-hall furniture.
Melisron will pay NIS 32 million to third parties and the Tax Authority for tax debts accrued by the mall's previous owners.
The Israel Tax Authority recently published an update for tax and pension contributions paid in 2023. This means that your taxes for 2023 should be lower.
Director of the Tax Authority Eran Yaacov: A change of events could turn the economy in a direction no one had foreseen and harm investments.
Over the years, many Israeli court decisions have gone against the taxpayer, but in the Stein case, the taxpayer managed to scrape a win.