israeli cats

What happens when cats get fat? Illinois researchers weigh in

According to the researchers, 60% of cats in the US are overweight.

Jerusalem street cats: Lending a helping paw to feline friends

Jerusalem street cats, a pest to so many, are actually living beings struggling to survive. One initiative has tried to help by bringing volunteer veterinarians.


This olah moved to Israel and is queen of cat rescue in Jerusalem

Aside from the cats she keeps (currently, six cats and four kittens), Tova Saul drives all over Israel delivering rescued and recovered cats to adoptive homes.

Want to know if your cat is in pain? Israeli researchers can tell you how

Israeli researchers have developed an AI model that can tell when felines are in pain

Stray cats flock Israel's streets - it's up to us to take care of them - opinion

There are too many cats on the streets of Israel and not enough of us looking after them.

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